Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weight Loss Journey Documented Part 2 of a 90 Day Journey

Weight Loss Journey Documented Part 2 of a 90 Day Journey

If this is your 1st time reading about my Weight Release Journey please read  to get a better understanding of what and why I am doing this.

This is the 1st time I am sharing my personal data with anyone. Most diet programs out there just give you testimonies of the total weight lost but do not show you the daily data on how they got there. Weight loss numbers can be manipulated by filling up on food and water for a couple days before the weigh-in and be starving and dehydrated on the final weigh in ex: lost 30 lbs in 30 days. Technically might be true but BS. Or sometimes what people do is they get one final big meal or two before their diet. They get really good results for a week or two than they plateau, get discouraged and go back to their normal way of eating and right back to their original weight or heavier. That’s why I am including my data 10 days prior to the start of my diet. I am also including my waist and hips size at the start because if you do not see a reduction in the areas where you want to see it, you are most likely just losing water weight. (I don’t actually need or want to lose weight around my waist but might lose 1 inch because you have no control on where your weight comes off. I mostly want to lose the weight around my hips/love handles). My weigh-in is 1st thing every morning on an empty stomach & bladder between 7am & 9am whenever I get out of bed. I use a 10 day cycle because 7 days is too short and 15 days is too long. I focus on the current 10 day cycle and do not dwell on the past 10 day cycles. When you dwell on how long you have been on a diet you might start feeling sorry for yourself on how long you have not had your favorite foods and give you an excuse to cheat. My goal every day is to stick to my eating routine as far as what, when and how much to eat. The current cycle that I am on I will bold the label information and each day I will bold only when I was 100% successful (which should be every day).  I will give my opinion on what I think is happening during each cycle. It should take me less than 90 days to get to 160 lbs so there will be about 9 separate observations and one more to sum everything up. I am doing this to show frustrated dieters that you can get to your ideal weight and it can be made easier with the 21st Century Weight Release System. This is the real deal.

Weight Release Data on Google Docs

Cycle 2 Observations 2-21-2012

Cycle 2 was another 10 days of following my program exactly and predictably got great results. Most days I ate close to the 1,500 calorie amount never going below 1,200 calories. During this time I never felt hungry or tired and managed to get in about 5 days of moderate exercise. Total weight loss was - 1.8 lbs (a little less than I predicted). This was because I lost all of the extra water weight in the 1st 10 days and in the past it took as long as 60 days. The data for this cycle is very interesting. Look at days 2 and 3. There is a total weight loss of – 2.8 lbs. The rest of the week my weight changed every day. Going up a little one day and going down a little the next day. Even though I consumed about the same amount of food and liquids every day the weight fluctuated like it did. If I went 1 more day on the program I am sure I would have dropped 1 lb. That would have made the numbers look a little better but that’s not important. What is important are the measurements and the new pictures. The waist size stayed the same but the hip size went from 37.5 inches to 35.75 inches. When you look at the before and after pictures
 (especially #3 and #4) that’s where you can really see a big difference. They even surprised me. The original pictures I look a little over weight but 20 days later it is all gone. There is still a little bit of fat to lose but I am going to change my strategy of how to do it. I am ending the Release part of my program and going back to maintenance. The remaining 2 – 4 lbs of fat that I still want to lose will be done at a later time. After 20 days or so of maintenance I will do a 10 day Weight Release Program. I feel I no longer need to get to 160 lbs anymore to maintain a weight under 180 lbs and have the freedom to eat how I want (with in reason) keeping my ideal weight for the rest of my life.

Cycle 1 Observations 2-11-2012
Ten days previous of the diet my average weight was about 185.6. The low was 183 lbs on day 3 and the high was 188.2 on day 5. The reason my weight was up is because I was on semi maintenance & I did late night eating of chips and popcorn some of my favorite snack foods and also had a lot of chocolate covered macadamian  nuts and cookies and other chocolates (Just finishing up a lot of my holiday foods). As you can see that 5 pound gain was gone by day 2 of the diet. Those 5 pounds was mostly all water weight and none of it accumulated to fat. Notice how much weight I lost the 1st 6 days of the diet (6.4 lbs). Most of it is water weight but it still makes me feel good because I am getting closer to my goal and losing the mostly water weight is the 1st process you have to go through. On days 7 – 10 my weight actually went up a little bit day 7 and day 9. Even though I ate the same amount of food (less than 1,500 calories) on those days. The body can retain extra water for what ever the reason. This is part of the process and something you have to get use too. Of the 8.6 lbs I lost in 10 days I think 1 pound of that was fat and most of it was lost between days 7 – 10.  For the next 10 day cycle I expect to lose between 3 and 5 pounds. Most of the extra water weight is gone so things start to slow down and days like the last part of the week will be the norm with an occasional 1 pound loss day. Valentines Day (one of my favorite days) is happening during Cycle 2 and I usually eat a big meal with a couple of adult beverages. This year no special day is more important than achieving my weight goal so I will stick to my program and postpone the big meal for 3 months. I am not planning on making any adjustments for Cycle 2.

Pre diet 185.4 lbs         10 Day Cycle 1                        10 Day Cycle 2
Jan 23-Feb1                 Feb 2-11                                  Feb 12-21
                                    Start 185.4 lbs end 177.0 lbs Start 177.0 lbs end 175.2 lbs
                                    Waist 36 Hips 37.5
Day  1 185.6 lbs           Day  1 184.2 lbs (-.8 lbs)         Day   1 177.6 lbs (+.6 lbs)
Day  2 184.6 lbs           Day  2 181.8 lbs (-2.4 lbs)       Day   2 175.6 lbs (-2.0 lbs)
Day  3 183.0 lbs           Day  3 181.0 lbs (-.8 lbs)         Day   3 174.8 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Day  4 184.8 lbs           Day  4 179.8 lbs (-1.2 lbs)       Day   4 176.0 lbs (+1.2 lbs)
Day  5 188.2 lbs           Day  5 179.4 lbs (-.4 lbs)         Day   5 175.2 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Day  6 185.8 lbs           Day  6 178.8 lbs (-.8 lbs)         Day   6 175.6 lbs (+.4 lbs)
Day  7 185.2 lbs           Day  7 179.0 lbs (+.2 lbs)         Day   7 175.0 lbs (-.6 lbs)
Day  8 186.2 lbs           Day  8 178.6 lbs (-.4 lbs)         Day   8 175.2 lbs (+.2 lbs)
Day  9 187.6 lbs           Day  9 178.8 lbs (+.2 lbs)         Day   9 174.4 lbs -.8 lbs)
Day 10 185.4 lbs          Day 10 177.0 lbs (-.8 lbs)        Day  10 175.2 lbs (+.8 lbs)
Total Loss N/A            Total Loss -8.4 lbs                   Total Loss –lbs -1.8 lbs

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