Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weight Loss Journey Documented Part 2 of a 90 Day Journey

Weight Loss Journey Documented Part 2 of a 90 Day Journey

If this is your 1st time reading about my Weight Release Journey please read  to get a better understanding of what and why I am doing this.

This is the 1st time I am sharing my personal data with anyone. Most diet programs out there just give you testimonies of the total weight lost but do not show you the daily data on how they got there. Weight loss numbers can be manipulated by filling up on food and water for a couple days before the weigh-in and be starving and dehydrated on the final weigh in ex: lost 30 lbs in 30 days. Technically might be true but BS. Or sometimes what people do is they get one final big meal or two before their diet. They get really good results for a week or two than they plateau, get discouraged and go back to their normal way of eating and right back to their original weight or heavier. That’s why I am including my data 10 days prior to the start of my diet. I am also including my waist and hips size at the start because if you do not see a reduction in the areas where you want to see it, you are most likely just losing water weight. (I don’t actually need or want to lose weight around my waist but might lose 1 inch because you have no control on where your weight comes off. I mostly want to lose the weight around my hips/love handles). My weigh-in is 1st thing every morning on an empty stomach & bladder between 7am & 9am whenever I get out of bed. I use a 10 day cycle because 7 days is too short and 15 days is too long. I focus on the current 10 day cycle and do not dwell on the past 10 day cycles. When you dwell on how long you have been on a diet you might start feeling sorry for yourself on how long you have not had your favorite foods and give you an excuse to cheat. My goal every day is to stick to my eating routine as far as what, when and how much to eat. The current cycle that I am on I will bold the label information and each day I will bold only when I was 100% successful (which should be every day).  I will give my opinion on what I think is happening during each cycle. It should take me less than 90 days to get to 160 lbs so there will be about 9 separate observations and one more to sum everything up. I am doing this to show frustrated dieters that you can get to your ideal weight and it can be made easier with the 21st Century Weight Release System. This is the real deal.

Weight Release Data on Google Docs

Cycle 2 Observations 2-21-2012

Cycle 2 was another 10 days of following my program exactly and predictably got great results. Most days I ate close to the 1,500 calorie amount never going below 1,200 calories. During this time I never felt hungry or tired and managed to get in about 5 days of moderate exercise. Total weight loss was - 1.8 lbs (a little less than I predicted). This was because I lost all of the extra water weight in the 1st 10 days and in the past it took as long as 60 days. The data for this cycle is very interesting. Look at days 2 and 3. There is a total weight loss of – 2.8 lbs. The rest of the week my weight changed every day. Going up a little one day and going down a little the next day. Even though I consumed about the same amount of food and liquids every day the weight fluctuated like it did. If I went 1 more day on the program I am sure I would have dropped 1 lb. That would have made the numbers look a little better but that’s not important. What is important are the measurements and the new pictures. The waist size stayed the same but the hip size went from 37.5 inches to 35.75 inches. When you look at the before and after pictures
 (especially #3 and #4) that’s where you can really see a big difference. They even surprised me. The original pictures I look a little over weight but 20 days later it is all gone. There is still a little bit of fat to lose but I am going to change my strategy of how to do it. I am ending the Release part of my program and going back to maintenance. The remaining 2 – 4 lbs of fat that I still want to lose will be done at a later time. After 20 days or so of maintenance I will do a 10 day Weight Release Program. I feel I no longer need to get to 160 lbs anymore to maintain a weight under 180 lbs and have the freedom to eat how I want (with in reason) keeping my ideal weight for the rest of my life.

Cycle 1 Observations 2-11-2012
Ten days previous of the diet my average weight was about 185.6. The low was 183 lbs on day 3 and the high was 188.2 on day 5. The reason my weight was up is because I was on semi maintenance & I did late night eating of chips and popcorn some of my favorite snack foods and also had a lot of chocolate covered macadamian  nuts and cookies and other chocolates (Just finishing up a lot of my holiday foods). As you can see that 5 pound gain was gone by day 2 of the diet. Those 5 pounds was mostly all water weight and none of it accumulated to fat. Notice how much weight I lost the 1st 6 days of the diet (6.4 lbs). Most of it is water weight but it still makes me feel good because I am getting closer to my goal and losing the mostly water weight is the 1st process you have to go through. On days 7 – 10 my weight actually went up a little bit day 7 and day 9. Even though I ate the same amount of food (less than 1,500 calories) on those days. The body can retain extra water for what ever the reason. This is part of the process and something you have to get use too. Of the 8.6 lbs I lost in 10 days I think 1 pound of that was fat and most of it was lost between days 7 – 10.  For the next 10 day cycle I expect to lose between 3 and 5 pounds. Most of the extra water weight is gone so things start to slow down and days like the last part of the week will be the norm with an occasional 1 pound loss day. Valentines Day (one of my favorite days) is happening during Cycle 2 and I usually eat a big meal with a couple of adult beverages. This year no special day is more important than achieving my weight goal so I will stick to my program and postpone the big meal for 3 months. I am not planning on making any adjustments for Cycle 2.

Pre diet 185.4 lbs         10 Day Cycle 1                        10 Day Cycle 2
Jan 23-Feb1                 Feb 2-11                                  Feb 12-21
                                    Start 185.4 lbs end 177.0 lbs Start 177.0 lbs end 175.2 lbs
                                    Waist 36 Hips 37.5
Day  1 185.6 lbs           Day  1 184.2 lbs (-.8 lbs)         Day   1 177.6 lbs (+.6 lbs)
Day  2 184.6 lbs           Day  2 181.8 lbs (-2.4 lbs)       Day   2 175.6 lbs (-2.0 lbs)
Day  3 183.0 lbs           Day  3 181.0 lbs (-.8 lbs)         Day   3 174.8 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Day  4 184.8 lbs           Day  4 179.8 lbs (-1.2 lbs)       Day   4 176.0 lbs (+1.2 lbs)
Day  5 188.2 lbs           Day  5 179.4 lbs (-.4 lbs)         Day   5 175.2 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Day  6 185.8 lbs           Day  6 178.8 lbs (-.8 lbs)         Day   6 175.6 lbs (+.4 lbs)
Day  7 185.2 lbs           Day  7 179.0 lbs (+.2 lbs)         Day   7 175.0 lbs (-.6 lbs)
Day  8 186.2 lbs           Day  8 178.6 lbs (-.4 lbs)         Day   8 175.2 lbs (+.2 lbs)
Day  9 187.6 lbs           Day  9 178.8 lbs (+.2 lbs)         Day   9 174.4 lbs -.8 lbs)
Day 10 185.4 lbs          Day 10 177.0 lbs (-.8 lbs)        Day  10 175.2 lbs (+.8 lbs)
Total Loss N/A            Total Loss -8.4 lbs                   Total Loss –lbs -1.8 lbs

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weight Loss Journey Documented Part 1 of a 90 Day Journey

Weight Loss Journey Documented Part 1 of a 90 Day Journey

If this is your 1st time reading about my Weight Release Journey please read  to get a better understanding of what and why I am doing this.

This is the 1st time I am sharing my personal data with anyone. Most diet programs out there just give you testimonies of the total weight lost but do not show you the daily data on how they got there. Weight loss numbers can be manipulated by filling up on food and water for a couple days before the weigh-in and be starving and dehydrated on the final weigh in ex: lost 30 lbs in 30 days. Technically might be true but BS. Or sometimes what people do is they get one final big meal or two before their diet. They get really good results for a week or two than they plateau, get discouraged and go back to their normal way of eating and right back to their original weight or heavier. That’s why I am including my data 10 days prior to the start of my diet. I am also including my waist and hips size at the start because if you do not see a reduction in the areas where you want to see it, you are most likely just losing water weight. (I don’t actually need or want to lose weight around my waist but might lose 1 inch because you have no control on where your weight comes off. I mostly want to lose the weight around my hips/love handles). My weigh-in is 1st thing every morning on an empty stomach & bladder between 7am & 9am whenever I get out of bed. I use a 10 day cycle because 7 days is too short and 15 days is too long. I focus on the current 10 day cycle and do not dwell on the past 10 day cycles. When you dwell on how long you have been on a diet you might start feeling sorry for yourself on how long you have not had your favorite foods and give you an excuse to cheat. My goal every day is to stick to my eating routine as far as what, when and how much to eat. The current cycle that I am on I will bold the label information and each day I will bold only when I was 100% successful (which should be every day).  I will give my opinion on what I think is happening during each cycle. It should take me less than 90 days to get to 160 lbs so there will be about 9 separate observations and one more to sum everything up. I am doing this to show frustrated dieters that you can get to your ideal weight and it can be made easier with the 21st Century Weight Release System. This is the real deal.

Weight Release Data on Google Docs

Cycle 1 Observations 2-11-2012
Ten days previous of the diet my average weight was about 185.6. The low was 183 lbs on day 3 and the high was 188.2 on day 5. The reason my weight was up is because I was on semi maintenance & I did late night eating of chips and popcorn some of my favorite snack foods and also had a lot of chocolate covered macadamian  nuts and cookies and other chocolates (Just finishing up a lot of my holiday foods). As you can see that 5 pound gain was gone by day 2 of the diet. Those 5 pounds was mostly all water weight and none of it accumulated to fat. Notice how much weight I lost the 1st 6 days of the diet (6.4 lbs). Most of it is water weight but it still makes me feel good because I am getting closer to my goal and losing the mostly water weight is the 1st process you have to go through. On days 7 – 10 my weight actually went up a little bit day 7 and day 9. Even though I ate the same amount of food (less than 1,500 calories) on those days. The body can retain extra water for what ever the reason. This is part of the process and something you have to get use too. Of the 8.6 lbs I lost in 10 days I think 1 pound of that was fat and most of it was lost between days 7 – 10.  For the next 10 day cycle I expect to lose between 3 and 5 pounds. Most of the extra water weight is gone so things start to slow down and days like the last part of the week will be the norm with an occasional 1 pound loss day. Valentines Day (one of my favorite days) is happening during Cycle 2 and I usually eat a big meal with a couple of adult beverages. This year no special day is more important than achieving my weight goal so I will stick to my program and postpone the big meal for 3 months. I am not planning on making any adjustments for Cycle 2.

Pre diet 185.4 lbs         10 Day Cycle 1
Jan 23-Feb1                 Feb 2-11
                                    Start 185.4 lbs end 177.0 lbs
                                    Waist 36 Hips 37.5
Day  1 185.6 lbs           Day  1 184.2 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Day  2 184.6 lbs           Day  2 181.8 lbs (-2.4 lbs)
Day  3 183.0 lbs           Day  3 181.0 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Day  4 184.8 lbs           Day  4 179.8 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
Day  5 188.2 lbs           Day  5 179.4 lbs (-.4 lbs)
Day  6 185.8 lbs           Day  6 178.8 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Day  7 185.2 lbs           Day  7 179.0 lbs (+.2 lbs)
Day  8 186.2 lbs           Day  8 178.6 lbs (-.4 lbs)
Day  9 187.6 lbs           Day  9 178.8 lbs (+.2 lbs)
Day 10 185.4 lbs          Day 10 177.0 lbs (-.8 lbs)
Total Loss N/A            Total Loss -8.4 lbs

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Losing The Last 25 Pounds

Today is February 1, 2012 and is the 1st day of the start of my last diet ever. I weighed in at 185.4 lbs waist size 36 inches and hips size is 37.5. In 2011 my goal was to get to 165 lbs and maintain a weight between 170 lbs and 185 lbs which I did. From 2006 through 2010 my weight would fluctuate between 195lbs and 220 lbs. Prior to 2006 my weight fluctuated between 205 and 240 lbs. I am considered medically overweight for my height at 185 lbs and the last 2 months of 2011 (during the holidays till now) I was closer to my higher range of my ideal weight (going over by 1 or 2 lbs for no more than 5 days). I knew back in 2011 that I would adjust my weight range between 160 lbs and 177 lbs sometime at the beginning of 2012 when I was ready and that day is today. Most people who start a diet are medically overweight from the beginning and have to lose over 10% of their body weight just to get in the high range of a normal weight. Most of these people will fail due to an insufficient weight loss program. I am starting my diet at a normal weight and going to a better normal weight losing about 13% of my current weight. The program that I am using to accomplish this is 21st Century Weight Release Program which I am the founder of. Losing weight and keeping it off is hard but it is easier if you learn how to release it. Eventually it becomes easy. After 5 years it has finally become easy for me. I want to document my weight release journey with periodic updates of where I am and pictures to show my progress. My prediction is I will be at 160 lbs before 90 days just in time for summer. The 1st 30 days I will lose between 10 and 14 lbs. The 2nd 30 days I will lose between 6 and 10 lbs and will lose the last lbs between days 70 and 90. During this time I will never be physically or mentally hungry and only occasionally will I feel emotionally hungry. When that happens it’s only for a few seconds and I can easily deal with it.

The Program is 20% physical and 80% mental. Most programs only focus on the physical part which is the food. The mental part is the most important part but it is impossible to write about and can only be effectively learned and experienced day to day. Since the program is a little different for everyone based on what works and what will work for each person I am not going to share what I eat but give you a basic idea. It’s a good balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat, between 1,000 and 1,500 calories. When you eat is also very important but again this can vary with each person depending on their schedule. Staying hydrated is also very important. Exercise is not necessary but I am going to continue my basic exercise routine about 25 - 45 minutes of moderate exercise 4 -5 days a week to maintain and increase flexibility and strength. (Even though I am burning more calories I believe this will contribute an insignificant amount of weight loss and might even slow it down a little. I also believe the right type of exercise is good to promote basic health but not needed for weight loss.) And full disclosure I ballroom dance about 6 hours a week and I consider this light exercise and do it because I really enjoy it and not for weight loss. I also make sure I get at least 6 hours of sleep every night and preferably 8 hours. This is the routine I will follow every day for less than 90 days to reach my ideal weight goal and then continue on with my maintenance program so I do not go above 177 pounds for more than a few days. Because I am naturally a binge eater and enjoy eating large meals and snacking a lot I need to be on a maintenance program for the rest of my life. Most people once they finish their diet go back to the same eating habits they had before which will bring them right back to there pre-diet weight. A good maintenance program is one you can easily follow for the rest of your life. It is very important to maintain your ideal weight or you have failed again and are at a higher risk of health consequences.

Another reason most diets will fail is due to a lack of support and accountability. At this time I do not need any support but in the beginning I had a doctor friend of mine help and encourage me to get to my goal. Without her help I never would have made it. Accountability is what keeps me honest now. I am accountable to everyone I am helping get to their ideal weight. I am also accountable to everyone I tell what I am doing and how easy it is for me. If I fail I look stupid and that will not happen.

I hope you enjoy sharing my weight release journey and feel free to call me at any reasonable time 310 413-1746. I enjoy talking to people and if you are looking for a solution to your weight problem I know I can help. You can follow me on Twitter at where I will update my progress every 10 days. You can also follow me on Google + at where you can easily see my pictures and read more of my blogs. I made sure my program is affordable to almost anyone who is serious about losing weight and keeping it off.

Richard Perry
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"

The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. It’s a matter of life and death.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Is Your Ideal Weight

What Is Your Ideal Weight

What is your ideal weight? That depends. It depends on if you’re talking about your ideal weight for the best health or the weight that makes you look and feel your best. Only your doctor is qualified to tell you your ideal weight for the best health and you are the best judge of what weight makes you look and feel your best. I went to two different doctors and asked them about my ideal weight they both went right to the Body Mass Index (BMI) and told me I should be less than a 25 bmi. At the time I was at a 32 bmi (240 lbs). After years of dieting I finally got to that 25 bmi (183 lbs) and I asked a doctor friend of mine what my ideal weight was. She had an application on her IPhone and got my height and weight then to my surprise she told me my ideal weight was 22.1 bmi (162 lbs). That seems a little low but that is what the statistics show.

When I 1st heard about the bmi I didn’t believe it applied to me. I thought I was carrying at least 20 lbs of extra muscle so I was happy if I could get  my weight down to 200- 210 lbs and that would be ideal for my health where I wouldn’t have to worry about being at risk for weight related health issues which run in my family. It was very convenient to come to that conclusion because I didn’t think it was possible to lose another 15-40 lbs. So to test my theory I got a body fat analysis by getting my weight under water ( I was barely in the fair range which is a 25% - 27% body fat. Just to get in the average range I needed to get to 190 lbs. The excellent range is below 166 lbs or < 13% body fat. This was a old test I did and I will do another one soon but I think the percentages will be about the same. Remember only a doctor is qualified to tell you what your ideal weight should be but it’s nice to get an idea by checking your bmi at or getting a body fat analysis from

As far as the weight where you look the best that is subjective but if you are above normal on the bmi chart (unless you are very muscular) you could probably have a better looking body by losing fat. The test that I like the best I call Muffin Tops. Just sit down in a chair, lift up your shirt a little bit and notice how much skin is hanging over your waist. Give it squeeze. If it’s a good hand full of skin you could probably improve your body by losing some fat. Another test I like is the bathing suit test. Two piece for woman and Speedo type for the man (clothes hide how we really look). Take a picture of yourself. If you’re happy with how you look that’s great. If you would like to improve you know what you have to do. Another tool for woman is the website where you can put in your height, weight, and body type and you will see pictures of woman who have those measurements. You can also go to the bmi site and find the bmi you would like to be at and then go to the other site and see what people look like at that weight. It’s interesting to check the pictures of the different heights and weights and then check their bmi. Then ask yourself which bmi makes the body look its best.  A normal bmi is between 25 and 18.5.

After doing some research I came across a site about what bmi looked the best. What was interesting is women tend to believe they look their best between a 20 and 22 bmi where men looked best between 23 and 25 bmi (not body builders). Also if your bmi is between 17 and 22 your life expectancy is longer than average and you don’t need to lose weight. (I am not a doctor and I am just sharing information) For me, my health is the priority on why I want to have a bmi under 25 and closer to 23 bmi.

The reason I am writing this is to help people who need/want to lose weight for health or appearance reasons look at the numbers and get an idea of what they might have to do. I am passionate about helping people get to their ideal weight by educating and supporting them using the Weight Release system and program. Losing weight is hard but learning to release it makes the process easier and eventually easy to get to your ideal weight and stay there. Call me at 310 413-1746 for more information.

Richard Perry
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"

The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. It’s a matter of life and death.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Creating The Right Conditions For Losing Weight Part 2

Part 1 of Creating The Right Conditions For Losing Weight was about the right physical condition. Part 2 is about creating the right mental condition to get to your ideal weight. Both parts are important but for a successful weight loss program (lose the weight and keep it off) I believe 80% is mental and just 20% is physical. Obviously if you are not eating correctly the weight will not come off but if your program is too hard you will quit, go back to your old habits and your same weight. That’s what yoyo dieting is. You know you need to lose the weight so you start your favorite program, get fast results in the beginning then it becomes too hard or boring and you go back to your old habits. This makes the weight loss companies happy because they know you will be a returning customer. They know you and your money will keep coming back. The fact is 80% - 95% of people will fail on their diets. Getting your mind in the right place doesn’t happen overnight but when it does, getting to your ideal weight and staying there becomes easy.

The 1st thing you need to do is actually be ready to change. A diet is just a temporary change in how you eat until you reach your ideal weight. Most people start out by saying they need to lose a certain amount of weight but don’t allow enough time because they can’t wait to get off their diet and go back to how they want to eat. Anything over 20 lbs you need to mentally prepare yourself to diet between 60 and 120 consecutive days. If you get to your ideal weight sooner then you can stop but be willing to do the 120 consecutive days. If you are not at your ideal weight yet re-evaluate and set another range 20 to 40 days more to get to you ideal weight. It needs to be an honest assessment of how long it’s going to take. Remember 1 day of cheating can set you back 1-5 days (depending what you did), your program becomes longer and you will probably not be able to get to your ideal weight and stay there.

Once you start your program the next thing you need to do mentally is to start believing a new truth. The truth is dieting is easy when you know how to do it. A majority of people believe dieting is hard. Is that the truth or an opinion? Most people believe it’s the truth but I believe it’s an opinion and dieting is actually easy and kind of fun if you know how to do it. Technically it is an opinion but can you imagine how much easier it would be to get to your ideal weight and stay there if you truly 100% believed that it was easy? How does this change in belief happen? It does not happen over night. It takes time. Everything you have seen and experienced in life up to this point has taught you that losing weight is hard. Dieting is not fun. It’s a hard belief to change but possible and necessary if you want to succeed with your weight loss goals. It’s possible to learn this reality yourself but it is much easier and more practical to be taught by some one who already believes dieting is easy and has the story and pictures to prove it.

The way we help you change your belief about dieting starts in the planning stages of your Weight Release Plan. Every day you learn something knew. The 1st 20 days of any diet are the easiest and is even easier when you are doing it with a partner who has already accomplished what you want to accomplish. The 1st 20 days is the foundation for the 1st part of your program for getting to your ideal weight. Once you are at your ideal weight your race is only ½ over. The next part of your program is where the real mental transformation takes place. With the support and experience of your Weight Release Partner, by keeping your weight in your ideal range that will be enough proof and evidence for you to believe that your weight loss experience was easy and you will believe like I do that losing weight is easy when you know how to do it.

Mastering the mental part of dieting takes over a year but once you have it you will never have to worry about being over weight again. 21st Century Weight Release is affordable to almost anyone who is serious about being at their ideal weight. Around January 10th I am going to go off my maintenance program and go on full blown release phase. My 2011 weight range was between 165-185 lbs which I successfully maintained. I am going to set a new low of 160 lbs (which I haven’t been since I was 15) and 177 lbs for my high. I noticed when I was over 180 lbs I looked a little chubby with my shirt off especially in the love handle area. So to make this goal easier I am lowering my low by 5 lbs and adjusting my weight cushion by 3 lbs. I am use to having a weight cushion of 20 lbs but will now have to manage a 17 lb cushion. I am assuming I will be around 175 lbs on Jan 10 so to lose my last 15 lbs I will plan on releasing for 60-90 days. Once I hit 160 I will do a special 3 day cleanse (not to lose more weight but to rest my digestive system) and then go on weight management for the rest of my life. This would be a great time to learn how to release weight. Call me at 310 413-1746 for more information.

Richard Perry
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"

The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. It’s a matter of life and death.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Creating The Right Conditions For Losing Weight Part 1

What can you do to make your weight loss program more efficient? You can make sure your body is in the right condition 24/7 to lose the maximum amount of weight possible until you reach your ideal weight. This article is going to be about creating the right physical condition for efficient weight loss and part 2 will be about creating the right mental condition. Your body loses weight automatically when the conditions are right and it’s up to you to get your body in the right condition and keep in there until your weight loss program is finished. What complicates things is when we look for shortcuts by not eating properly, taking supplements, over exercising and just not knowing what to do. This is what helped me get to my ideal weight and I hope it gets you on the right path.

Look at a 5 pound block of ice. If you wanted to melt it completely you need to create the condition of a temperature above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. So if you set the temperature to 32.2 degrees you created the necessary condition for the block of ice to melt completely. You might not notice any difference after 1 day or 2 days but based on science you know 100% eventually the block of ice will melt completely if you allow enough time and be patient. Now what happens is the sales and marketing people come a long and say they can help you. They say they have something that will speed the process up. It sounds good so you buy into it. What happens is either nothing or so insignificant you wind up spending money and time that you didn’t have to or it actually caused the temperature to go up and re-freeze the block of ice never being able to melt the block completely. You might even damage the freezer by trying to hurry up the process. So the best and most efficient way is give nature the time it needs to melt the ice.

So look at your body as the freezer and that block of ice as extra fat you need to lose. The amount of calories you allow yourself is the temperature that allows the condition for the fat to melt. In my opinion a low calorie program is the best long term. A Super Low Calorie diet requires doctor approval for a reason and a Atkins type program works but cutting out carbs might not be the best way to maintain your ideal weight once and if you get there. I am about 6ft tall so for my program I eat between 1,000 and 1,500 calories. So now I know how much to eat I plan what to eat and when to eat to create the right condition for losing weight.

The what, when and how much is the 1st part to create the right condition for weight loss. The next part is proper hydration and make sure what you eat promotes digestion, elimination and good nutrition. This part should also be easy and convenient to achieve on a daily basis and be a little flexible. I believe in a good traditional vitamin program for general wellness always and have been on one for many years. Most of the science out there agrees. What I would never take is anything that says it promotes weight loss. The amount of calories you have everyday is what promotes weight loss. There are supplements that promote digestion and elimination and I would take a look at that but if it’s advertised as a miracle pill or appetite suppression don’t waste your money. Keeping your body in the right condition for losing weight is all you need to do. Just like the block of ice let nature takes its course. You will know if you are getting the right nutrition if you are not hungry, not tired and have plenty of energy for the entire program.

Another thing you can do for creating the right condition for losing weight is getting enough sleep. At least 6 hours and preferably 8 hours or more. This might be challenging for some but remember it’s only temporary. This whole program is only temporary and getting 100% of possible weight loss each day will make it more likely you succeed this time. With less then 6 hours of sleep you are likely to feel tired and stressed and more likely eat more then you want. You might want to try a shortcut like a energy drink or energy pill but you can not fool nature and it will take its toll. I drink a lot of coffee (before noon) because I like it and believe it promotes digestion, elimination and adds zero calories when a creamer is not added. If I get a caffeine kick I don’t need it but I will take it. I am wide awake before I start drinking the coffee. Besides coffee is natural and I thinks it’s delicious.

Notice I didn’t mention exercise. This might be controversial but I believe and have personally experienced that it is not necessary for creating the right condition for maximum daily weight loss. Exercise is good for general wellness and I do a light stretching and some pushups if I have time but I don’t always have time. If exercise was part of the routine and I didn’t do it then I would fail for that day. When you fail to accomplish your routine you sub-consciously will think dieting is too hard and are more likely to quit. So that’s why I feel if you can get a little exercise in great if not no big deal.  The program I will help you put together is very easy and convenient to follow every day. So each day you follow it you will know that you created the condition for your body to release 100% of the weight possible for that day and are 1 day closer to getting to your ideal weight. You go to bed feeling good and wake up feeling good. Especially if your weight goes down a little. If it doesn’t go down that just means your body is not ready to release it. When you are down to your last 10 - 15 pounds to lose it could be 5 days before you lose a ¼ or ½ pound. Just stick to your program and it will all come off. Let nature take its course just like the block of ice.

So to sum it all up, to get to your body in the right condition to lose the maximum amount of weight each day is to determine how much to eat, what to eat for maximum nutrition that promotes digestion and elimination using proper hydration and getting enough sleep. Follow your routine everyday and  know that you lost the maximum amount of weight that day and feel good about yourself. Read my story because this is how I got to my ideal weight and have stayed there for over 1 year and counting. Also, you can call me at 310 413-1746 if you have more questions.

Richard Perry
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"

The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. It’s a matter of life and death.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Holiday Diet

November and December are the worst months to diet because of all the holidays and holiday parties. So instead of fighting an uphill battle go with the flow and switch to a Weight Management Program instead of a diet and enjoy the holidays and all of your favorite foods and Do Not Feel Guilty. The key to weight management is all about preparation before and after the holidays. Normally you begin a Weight Management Program once you hit your target weight but it’s ok to make the exception during the holidays especially November and December. The best and the easiest Weight Management Program is from 21st Century Weight Release which is what I have followed for the last year keeping my weight between 165 lbs and 185 lbs which is considered to be a normal and healthy weight for me to be. I decided to share on my Twitter Account how my Weight Management Plan worked on a daily basis so I tweeted how my weight went up and then went back down during and after the Thanksgiving holiday and this is a summary of my experience.

With the holidays fast approaching I was very close to my 185 lb weight and I wanted to be able to celebrate the holidays with all the food and drink that I wanted. So on November 18th I went on the Release portion of my Weight Management Program and on Thanksgiving morning my weight was 177.2 lbs almost a 8 lb cushion so I was happy. I started with pound cake for breakfast and had a Traditional Thanksgiving meal for lunch and dinner with about 1.5 bottles of wine and a lot of dessert including 16 oz of Eggnog. On Friday morning I was up 7 lbs to 184.2. But I was not finished celebrating so I continued my celebratory eating for 3 more days with the Thanksgiving leftovers and also pizza and burgers topping out at 188.4 lbs. A little bit over my 185 lb limit but I knew that was just temporary and would be under 185 lbs in a day or two.

So on Monday my goal was to get from 188.4 back to my original weight 177.2 ASAP to get ready for the Christmas holiday less then a month away.  I thought I could do it in less than 10 days but it actually took me 13 days to get to 177 lbs. While releasing the weight I was never hungry or tired and this was the routine I followed. I ate between 1,000 – 1,500 calories everyday. I had over 100 ounces of liquid (water, coffee, diet soda) every day. I weighed myself 1st thing in the morning between 6:30am and 9am. The 1st 4 days I did zero exercise and days 5-13 I did light exercise (about 30 minutes of stretching and some push-ups). Below is the weight loss I achieved each day. I am also including my analysis and my actual tweets as I followed my Weight Release Program.

Day 1 185.4 (down 3 lbs)
Day 2 183.0 (down 2.4 lbs)
Day 3 181.8 (down 1.2 lbs)
Day 4 181.2 (down .6 lbs)
Day 5 180.0 (down 1.2 lbs)
Day 6 179.4 (down .6 lbs)
Day 7 178.4 (down 1 lb)
Day 8 179.2 (up .8 lbs)
Day 9 179.2 (no change)
Day 10 177.6 (down 1.6 lbs)
Day 11 178.4 (up .8 lbs)
Day 12 177.4 (down 1lb)
Day 13 177.0 (down .4 lbs) Total weight loss 11.2.

The data is very interesting. On the 1st 4 days with out exercising I was down 7.2 lbs. Days 5-7 I was down 2.8 lbs totaling about 10 lbs in 7 days. This is what I had expected since I have done this before. What I didn’t expect it would take me 6 days to lose that last lb. On day 8 I went up almost 1 pound with no change on day 9. I did not change my eating routine those days so it was just water weight. Day 10 I went down 1.6 lbs then back up .8 lbs on day 11. That was good news because that shows .5 lbs of fat loss. On days 12 and 13 I lost an additional .5 lb which got me back to my weight before Thanksgiving. What the data shows is out of the 11 lbs I gained 9 - 10 lbs was water/food/waste weight and I added on 1 -2  lbs of fat.

So now I am back at 177 lbs and will probably drop about 2 more by December 24th. I plan on celebrating Christmas and New Years with lots of food and drink without going over my 185 lb limit. Starting January 2nd I plan on going all the way down to 160 lbs (a new low for me) with a new high range of 177 lbs (a 17 lb cushion). For me releasing weight is easy and I specialize in helping people get to their ideal weight by teaching them how to release weight with a custom program that makes it easier and more likely for them to succeed. Call me at 310 413-1746 for more information about 21st Century Weight Release.

Richard Perry
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"

The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. Its a matter of life and death.

My Tweets.
 21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 1 of holiday release #diet lost 3 lbs of the 11 lbs I gained after the holidays. It's easy if you know how to do it.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 2 of holiday release #diet and lost 2.4 lbs totaling 5.4 lbs in 2 days (almost 50% of holiday weight put on) 3-4 more days to go.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 3 of holiday release #diet and lost 1.2 lbs totaling 6.6 lbs in 3 days. Less than 5 lbs to go. Fun putting it on & easy taking it off.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 4 of holiday release #diet and lost another 1/2 lb totaling about 7 lbs in 4 days. About 4 lbs to go to lose all holiday weight gained.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 5 of holiday release #diet and lost another 1.2 lbs totaling about 8lbs in 5 days. Probably 3 more days to get to my pre-holiday weight.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 6 of holiday release #diet and lost another .5 lb totaling about 8.5lbs in 6 days. 2.5 lbs more to get to my pre-holiday weight of 177.2
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 7 of holiday release #diet and lost another 1.4 lbs totaling about 10lbs in 7days. 1.2 lbs more to get to my pre-holiday weight of 177.2
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 8 of holiday release #diet and up .8 lbs. Total loss about 9 lbs in 8 days. Sometimes weight goes back up a little or stays the same.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 9 of holiday release #diet and no change. Total loss about 9 lbs in 9 days. Might take a little longer then I expected.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 10 of holiday release #diet and down 1.6 lbs. Total loss about 10.6 lbs in 10 days. Need 1 more day to lose all my holiday weight gain.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 11 of holiday release #diet and up .8 lbs. Total loss about 10 lbs in 11 days. 1 lb to go & should finish tomorrow.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 12 of holiday release #diet and down 1 lb. Total loss about 10.8 lbs in 12 days. Almost there.
21cwr Richard Perry 
Day 13 of holiday release #diet and down .4 lb. Total loss 11.2 lbs in 13 days. Lost all my Holiday #Weight Gain see my article later today.