What can you do to make your weight loss program more efficient? You can make sure your body is in the right condition 24/7 to lose the maximum amount of weight possible until you reach your ideal weight. This article is going to be about creating the right physical condition for efficient weight loss and part 2 will be about creating the right mental condition. Your body loses weight automatically when the conditions are right and it’s up to you to get your body in the right condition and keep in there until your weight loss program is finished. What complicates things is when we look for shortcuts by not eating properly, taking supplements, over exercising and just not knowing what to do. This is what helped me get to my ideal weight and I hope it gets you on the right path.
Look at a 5 pound block of ice. If you wanted to melt it completely you need to create the condition of a temperature above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. So if you set the temperature to 32.2 degrees you created the necessary condition for the block of ice to melt completely. You might not notice any difference after 1 day or 2 days but based on science you know 100% eventually the block of ice will melt completely if you allow enough time and be patient. Now what happens is the sales and marketing people come a long and say they can help you. They say they have something that will speed the process up. It sounds good so you buy into it. What happens is either nothing or so insignificant you wind up spending money and time that you didn’t have to or it actually caused the temperature to go up and re-freeze the block of ice never being able to melt the block completely. You might even damage the freezer by trying to hurry up the process. So the best and most efficient way is give nature the time it needs to melt the ice.
So look at your body as the freezer and that block of ice as extra fat you need to lose. The amount of calories you allow yourself is the temperature that allows the condition for the fat to melt. In my opinion a low calorie program is the best long term. A Super Low Calorie diet requires doctor approval for a reason and a Atkins type program works but cutting out carbs might not be the best way to maintain your ideal weight once and if you get there. I am about 6ft tall so for my program I eat between 1,000 and 1,500 calories. So now I know how much to eat I plan what to eat and when to eat to create the right condition for losing weight.
The what, when and how much is the 1st part to create the right condition for weight loss. The next part is proper hydration and make sure what you eat promotes digestion, elimination and good nutrition. This part should also be easy and convenient to achieve on a daily basis and be a little flexible. I believe in a good traditional vitamin program for general wellness always and have been on one for many years. Most of the science out there agrees. What I would never take is anything that says it promotes weight loss. The amount of calories you have everyday is what promotes weight loss. There are supplements that promote digestion and elimination and I would take a look at that but if it’s advertised as a miracle pill or appetite suppression don’t waste your money. Keeping your body in the right condition for losing weight is all you need to do. Just like the block of ice let nature takes its course. You will know if you are getting the right nutrition if you are not hungry, not tired and have plenty of energy for the entire program.
Another thing you can do for creating the right condition for losing weight is getting enough sleep. At least 6 hours and preferably 8 hours or more. This might be challenging for some but remember it’s only temporary. This whole program is only temporary and getting 100% of possible weight loss each day will make it more likely you succeed this time. With less then 6 hours of sleep you are likely to feel tired and stressed and more likely eat more then you want. You might want to try a shortcut like a energy drink or energy pill but you can not fool nature and it will take its toll. I drink a lot of coffee (before noon ) because I like it and believe it promotes digestion, elimination and adds zero calories when a creamer is not added. If I get a caffeine kick I don’t need it but I will take it. I am wide awake before I start drinking the coffee. Besides coffee is natural and I thinks it’s delicious.
Notice I didn’t mention exercise. This might be controversial but I believe and have personally experienced that it is not necessary for creating the right condition for maximum daily weight loss. Exercise is good for general wellness and I do a light stretching and some pushups if I have time but I don’t always have time. If exercise was part of the routine and I didn’t do it then I would fail for that day. When you fail to accomplish your routine you sub-consciously will think dieting is too hard and are more likely to quit. So that’s why I feel if you can get a little exercise in great if not no big deal. The program I will help you put together is very easy and convenient to follow every day. So each day you follow it you will know that you created the condition for your body to release 100% of the weight possible for that day and are 1 day closer to getting to your ideal weight. You go to bed feeling good and wake up feeling good. Especially if your weight goes down a little. If it doesn’t go down that just means your body is not ready to release it. When you are down to your last 10 - 15 pounds to lose it could be 5 days before you lose a ¼ or ½ pound. Just stick to your program and it will all come off. Let nature take its course just like the block of ice.
So to sum it all up, to get to your body in the right condition to lose the maximum amount of weight each day is to determine how much to eat, what to eat for maximum nutrition that promotes digestion and elimination using proper hydration and getting enough sleep. Follow your routine everyday and know that you lost the maximum amount of weight that day and feel good about yourself. Read my story because this is how I got to my ideal weight and have stayed there for over 1 year and counting. http://21cwrc.com/my_story.php Also, you can call me at 310 413-1746 if you have more questions.
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"
The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. It’s a matter of life and death.
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