Sunday, October 30, 2011

What is Weight Release? Is it just a feel good word that is really nothing new? Is it some one trying to sell more crap that doesn't work? Is it another program that is just a bunch of sales and marketing but over promises and under delivers? No No and No! Weight Release is a system and program rolled into one that makes the process easier then all the other diets out there. I like to call the process a Journey or a Weight Release Journey. Just like a trip you have a starting point and a end point. You plan your trip and you have an idea how to get there and how long it will take. But if you have never been there before and you are just winging it, looking for short cuts, unnecessary detours and pit stops,  you probably will never make it to the end point and just go back to the beginning or have a difficult time getting there. Failure. That's one of the big reasons a large percentage of people fail on there diet and are considered to be medically overweight. (A Body Mass Index over 25)  Check your BMI here.

Now what if someone has taken that journey already (went from being overweight to normal weight). They plan your journey with you before you start, let you know what you need to pack and tells you what you can expect. Then once you start your journey you talk to this person every day to get more information, hear some encouraging and motivating words and answer some more questions you may have that will help you finish your journey. This person is actually your Weight Release Partner who takes this journey with you. Succeeds when you succeed and fails if you fail. A good partner that you connect well with in anything always makes the task easier. The keys to a successful Weight Release Journey are 1: You are serious about completing your journey, 2: A good plan you can stick too, 3: A great connection with your partner.

Something to think about. How many books have been written about dieting, making money in real estate with no money, investing in the stock market. I don't know exactly but I would bet less then 5% of the people succeed after reading the how to books. That's because it's hard doing it by yourself. Now if the author would spend everyday with you taking you’re through the steps until you succeeded or quit the success rate would be a lot higher. The Weight Release Journey is like a book in progress that you co-author with your partner. Each day is a paragraph. Each milestone is a chapter and once you get to your healthy weight (the end of the journey) that is an entire book on how you transformed your body and you are ready for the next journey and book for you and your Weight Release Partner which is Keeping The Weight Off.

A partner is just one of the ways Weight Release is different and easier then all other diets. Weight Release makes it easier Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually and I look forward to sharing telling you how.

Richard Perry
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"

The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. Its a matter of life and death.

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